Arhoolie Records Down Home Music: A Visual Chronicle of Chris Strachwitz's Musical Journey

Chris Strachwitz, the legendary founder of Arhoolie Records, left behind a profound legacy that extended beyond his keen ear for traditional roots music and underrecognized artists. Strachwitz, who spent decades traveling across the United States and Mexico capturing the essence of authentic music, was also a passionate photographer. His talent for photography is showcased in the new book 'Arhoolie Records Down Home Music: The Stories and Photographs of Chris Strachwitz,' which features over 150 images that illustrate his remarkable journey documenting music and musicians. The collection offers a visual narrative complementing the auditory legacy preserved by Strachwitz. Joel Selvin, a veteran music journalist and co-author of the book, depicts Strachwitz's unique ability to capture not just the sounds but also the sights of a pivotal time in music history.
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