Music collaboration
all in one place

Our app allows musicians to share music production files with other users, get feedback on their creations, and build an online music production workspace.

MetaJamz is a music collab super app

MetaJamz replaces Discord, Dropbox, & iMessage for sharing music files and creating new music in a collaborative environment.

Upload your .wav, .mp3, DAW, and STEM files

Keep track of every version of your music creation

Collaborate through comments, chat, and a social network

Share your raw audio creations

Our vision is to leverage social networking and file sharing in ways that exponentially improve the music collaboration process,

Discover music while it's being created

Get involved in the creative process. Explore artists crafting music and uncover unique projects you won't find anywhere else.

Find collaborators

Connect with like-minded musicians. Discover potential band members or collaborators to bring your music projects to life.

Your music production files in one place

Centralize your music production files. Store, manage, and access your tracks, stems, and masters securely on MetaJamz.

Participate in new experimental features

Innovate with us. Join our community of creators and test new features, shaping the future of music collaboration.

The MetaJamz Lifestyle

Frequently asked questions

What is MetaJamz?

MetaJamz is a music collaboration platform where musicians come together to showcase their music demos and collaborate on exciting projects. It’s the only place you can go to discover collaborators, invite them to projects, and share your files with them in one simple experience.

How do I collaborate with other musicians on MetaJamz?

It all starts with creating a project. Then, you can upload your current track, invite specific collaborators to contribute, receive their contributions, and provide feedback. Organize your files in the Stem Organizer, and invite an engineer to master them directly on your demo’s dedicated page, then attach it back to your project. Finally, open a feedback room for a trusted group of your followers to critique each stem on your project, then release it to the MetaJamz community.

Is MetaJamz free to use?

Yes! MetaJamz is and will continue to be a free platform for all musicians. You can explore and utilize our platform without any cost.

What exciting features are coming soon to MetaJamz?

We are thrilled to announce that a marketplace, remixing, and a variety of exclusive tools tailored for professional users are in the pipeline. Subscribe to our mailing list for updates to enhance your creative experience on MetaJamz.

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